Jiayang Li


Starting 2024 Fall, I will be an tenured-track assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in transportation systems analysis from Northwestern University in 2024 and my B.S. degree in mathematics from Tsinghua University in 2019.

My research aims to bring together optimization, game theory, and machine learning to address operations research challenges, particular within transportation and mobility systems. Looking ahead, I am looking forward to expanding my research to other complex systems, including infrastructure, energy, environmental systems and beyond. The ultimate goal of my research is to enhance the quality of life across diverse human habitats.


I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers with a strong mathematical and/or programming background for 2025 Spring and 2025 Fall. I am also happy to host remote undergraduate research interns. If you have interests, please reach me directly by email at jiayangl@hku.hk.



Jul 19, 2024 I passed my Ph.D. Dissertation Defense today.
Jun 03, 2024 My paper titled “Wardrop equilibrium can be bounedly rational: A new behavioral theory of route choice” is accepted by Transportation Science (TS).
May 21, 2024 My paper titled “A Day-to-Day Dynamical Approach to the Most Likely User Equilibrium Problem” is accepted by Transportation Science (TS). It will also be presented at the 25th International Symposium on Traffic and Transportation Theory (ISTTT).
May 09, 2024 I am honored to accept the position of Assistant Professor offered by the University of Hong Kong.

Selected publications

  1. OR
    Differentiable bilevel programming for Stackelberg congestion games
    Jiayang Li, Jing Yu , Qianni Wang, Boyi Liu, Zhaoran Wang, and Yu Marco Nie
    Under Revision at Operations Research
  2. TS
    A day-to-day dynamical approach to the most likely user equilibrium problem
    Jiayang Li , Qianni Wang, Liyang Feng, Jun Xie, and Yu Marco Nie
    Transportation Science, 2024
  3. TS
    Wardrop equilibrium can be boundedly rational: A new behavioral theory of route choice
    Jiayang LiZhaoran Wang, and Yu Marco Nie
    Transportation Science, 2024
  4. TR-B
    Accessibility-based ethics-aware transit design
    Tianxing Dai, Jiayang Li, and Yu Marco Nie
    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2023
  5. ICML
    Achieving hierarchy-free approximation for bilevel programs with equilibrium constraints
    Jiayang Li, Jing Yu, Boyi Liu, Yu Marco Nie, and Zhaoran Wang
    Proceeding of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023
  6. NeurIPS
    Inducing equilibria via incentives: Simultaneous design-and-play ensures global convergence
    Boyi Liu, Jiayang Li, Zhuoran Yang, Hoi-To Wai, Mingyi Hong, Yu Marco Nie, and Zhaoran Wang
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 2022
  7. NeurIPS
    End-to-end learning and intervention in games
    Jiayang Li, Jing Yu, Yu Marco Nie, and Zhaoran Wang
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020