
I am actively seeking self-motivated Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers with strong mathematical and/or programming backgrounds to join my lab starting in 2025 Spring or 2025 Fall. I am also happy to host remote undergraduate research interns. Below is a brief introduction to my research and information about the available positions.

An Introduction to My Research

My research focuses on integrating optimization, game theory, and machine learning to address operations research challenges, particularly within transportation and mobility systems. My past and ongoing research includes the following topics:

  • Designing scalable and principled algorithms that can handle complex bilevel programming problems.

  • Developing behavioral theory for understanding travelers’ decision-making in transportation systems.

  • Creating innovative frameworks for traffic system planning that ensure both fairness and efficiency.

  • Leveraging information design to optimize the deployment and operation of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) and electric vehicles (EVs).

Looking ahead, I am eager to expand my research to other topics, including application domains beyond transportation and mobility. If you are interested in joining my lab, I definitely welcome collaborations on these established topics. Even more, I look forward to you bringing new research challenges and ideas to the table.

Ph.D. Positions

I am looking for 1-2 self-motivated Ph.D. students to join my research group in 2025 Spring or 2025 Fall. Successful applicants should meet the following criteria.

  • Strong mathematical and/or programming skills.

  • A B.S. degree in related fields such as optimization, statistics, economics, applied mathematics, computer science, industrial engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, environmental science, etc. As operations research is highly interdisciplinary, I do not expect candidates to have backgrounds in very specific fields.

  • Good writing and communication skills in English.

Successful applicants are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) during the normative study period. The basic level of scholarship is HK$18,760 per month. Outstanding applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme (HKPFS) and the Presidential Fellowship of the University of Hong Kong (HKU-PS), which offer a stipend of HK$28,100 per month plus a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$14,000 per year. HKU will also provide HKPF and HKU-PS awardees additional living and accommodation support (HK$40,000 in the first year and HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period).

If you are interested, please email me at with the following materials:

  • Your up-to-date CV.

  • Your (unofficial) transcript.

  • A research question that interests you the most.

Postdoctoral Positions

I am also looking for 1-2 postdoctoral researchers to join my research group in Spring 2025 or Fall 2025. The basic salary is no less than HK$30,000 per month. Outstanding candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS).

If you are interested, please email me at with the following materials:

  • Your up-to-date CV.

  • 1–2 of your publications.

  • A research statement detailing your past and current research projects, as well as your future research plans.

I will review your publications and research statement with sincerity to see if our research objectives align.

Undergraduate Internship Positions

I am also happy to host remote research interns for undergraduate students who are interested in applying for a Ph.D. in any country or region. Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss potential research projects that may be suitable for you.